Green Team Blog

Fall Lawn Care Tips for Grand Traverse and Leelanau County, MI

As the vibrant greens of summer begin to fade and the temperatures start to drop here in Northern Michigan, it’s easy to think that lawn care can take a backseat until Spring.

However, fall is a critical time for lawn maintenance. Preparing your lawn for the harsh winter months ensures that it will emerge healthy and lush when Spring arrives.

Check out this comprehensive guide to fall lawn care that will keep your Traverse City lawn in top shape.

Learn more about:

Fall Lawn Mowing

Fall Irrigation

Fall Fertilization

Fall Clean-Ups

Fall Aeration

1. Lawn Mowing Tips

Mowing your lawn during the fall is crucial to maintaining its health through the winter. As the weather cools, grass growth will slow, but that doesn’t mean you should stop mowing all together. If lawn is left long throughout the winter months, it can attract pests and diseases that are tough to beat in the Spring.

In early fall, continue to mow at the height you did throughout the summer, typically around 3 inches. As fall progresses, gradually lower the mower blade. This helps the grass to store energy for the winter and reduces the risk of snow mold. Be sure not to cut your grass too short, commonly called scalping your lawn, as your turf will then have to put energy into repair instead of storing it for the winter months.

2. Lawn Irrigation Tips

While the cooler weather means your lawn won’t need as much water as it did in the summer, irrigation is still an important part of fall lawn care. In the fall, your lawn requires about an inch of water per week. Remember to water deeply, but less frequently to encourage deep root growth, which is crucial for surviving the winter.

Be mindful of the forecast and avoid watering if a frost is expected overnight. Water on the grass blades can freeze, potentially damaging your lawn. Before winterizing your irrigation system, inspect it for any leaks or inefficiencies. This is the perfect time to ensure that your system is in good working order before you shut it down for the season. The unpredictable weather in the Spring and fall here in Northern Michigan means you need to pay extra attention to the low temperatures. Not winterizing your sprinkler system at the right time can result in costly repairs from frozen and burst lines and heads.

sprinkler head waters grass

3. Lawn Fertilization Tips

Fall fertilization is one of the most important applications of the entire year. The nutrients provided now will help your grass store energy for the winter and promote healthy growth in the Spring. If you plan to fertilizer yourself, follow these steps:

  • Choose a High-Phosphorous Fertilizer: Phosphorous is key to root development, making it an important nutrient for fall fertilization. Look for a fertilizer labeled for fall use that has a higher middle number (this number represents phosphorus).
  • Apply Fertilizer at the Right Time: The best time to fertilize is early to mid-fall, usually in September to October. This timing allows the grass to absorb the nutrients before going dormant. It is key to really watch the weather, as it is not uncommon for us to have snow in October.
  • Don’t Over-Fertilize: More is not always better when it comes to fertilization. Over-fertilizing can lead to excessive top growth at the expense of root development, making your lawn more vulnerable to winter stress.
lawn care technician fertilizes grass

4. Fall Clean-Up Tips

A thorough fall clean-up is essential for a healthy lawn. Removing debris and ensuring that your lawn is clean and tidy will prevent issues mold, disease, and pest infestations. Stat by raking fallen leaves, twigs, and other debris. If these are left in place, they can smother your lawn and welcome pests. Before winter sets in, take the time to edge your lawn and trim back any overgrown areas. This will give your lawn a neat appearance and make Spring maintenance easier.

5. Consider Fall Aeration

Aeration is a process that involves punching small holes in the soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to penetrate grass roots. Fall is the best time for aeration, especially here in Northern Michigan, where compacted soil can be a problem.

Aeration reduces soil compaction, improves drainage, and helps roots grow deeper. This prepares your lawn to withstand the stress of winter and promotes healthy growth in the Spring. Aim to aerate in the early fall, giving your lawn enough time to recover and for the grass to grow before winter. Aerating too late in the season may leave your lawn vulnerable.

After aerating consider overseeding your lawn to fill in thin areas. The holes created by aeration can provide an ideal environment for new grass seeds to take root.

landscape expert aerates lawn on machine

Partnering with a Lawn Care Team in Northern Michigan

While DIY fall lawn care can be effective, partnering with a professional lawn care team in Northern Michigan can ensure your lawn receives the expert care it needs. A local lawn care company understand the unique challenges of the Northern Michigan climate and can tailor services to meet your lawn’s specific needs.

At Green Team Lawn Care, we offer comprehensive lawn care plans that include fertilization and aeration. Our parent company, TruNorth Landscaping offers plans that include all landscaping services, from mowing, to fall clean ups and irrigation. We offer both tiers of service so you can choose the plan that is right for your budget.

Don’t let the cooler temeratures fool you—your lawn still needs care and attention in the fall to stay strong and beautiful all year long.

Need help caring for your turf this fall? Get started by filling out our contact form. One of our team members will reach out to discuss what services are right for you.

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