Do I need to fertilize my lawn in the fall?
By the time fall rolls around, you might assume all your lawn care tasks are complete for the season. While leaf removal and putting in your snow markers are at the top of your list for autumn outdoor tasks, caring for your lawn should be first.
Let’s explore why fall fertilization is so important and when you should apply it to your grass for maximum benefit so that your lawn returns healthier than ever next Spring.
Why Does Fall Fertilization Matter?
Think about it. Your lawn has been through a lot during the summer months. The warm temperatures, hot sun, and less frequent rain all cause your grass stress. Cooler temperatures in the fall months give your lawn a much-needed break before it goes dormant for the winter months.
The fall application of fertilizer is really one of the most important of the entire year. The formula used in autumn-specific fertilizer encourages your grass to put energy into growing healthy roots instead of growing in length and pushing effort to make the blades of grass green. The plant, your grass, stores the nutrients from this final feeding throughout the winter, which results in a healthier rebound in the Spring as well.

Fall Lawn Fertilization Schedule: How Late is too Late to Fertilize this Fall?
Traverse City’s unpredictable weather lately can have you questioning when is the right time to put down final fertilization. Typically, a final application should occur around the end of September or early October. The main thing to watch is the temperature, especially at nighttime. Fertilizer applied to ground that is already frozen is not going to be effective.

Other Fall Lawn Care Tasks to Consider
If your lawn really appears to be struggling in the late summer or early fall, there are other great fall lawn care tasks that will help your grass come back stronger in the Spring.
- Lawn Aeration– Aeration punches holes into your lawn and pulls up plugs of compacted dirt. Aeration allows your grass to get better access to air, water, and nutrients. If you have patchy or lackluster grass, aeration can make an enormous difference in your turf. Wondering if aeration is a good DIY task? Check out this blog to learn the details.
- Overseeding- Overseeding your grass means applying additional seed to your existing turf. The goal is to help thicken your grass and make for an overall healthier turf. It is important seed is spread evenly throughout your yard. Be sure to figure out what type of grass you already have so that the seed you apply matches when it begins growing. Overseeding is a great outdoor task to do immediately after aerating.
Even if you do not try aeration or overseeding this year, at a minimum, be sure to give your grass one final mow before temperatures really begin to drop. Overgrown grass can make a great home for pests and diseases, which will result in ruined turf when Spring arrives.
Removing all leaves and branches from your lawn areas is a great final fall lawn care task to help your grass make it through the harsh winter. Leaves hold moisture and choke out air from your grass. Large amounts of leaves left on your grass can cause disease, welcome pests, and even result in dead grass.

Partnering with Professionals to Care for Your Lawn this Fall
Caring for your lawn can be a tricky task. It requires some knowledge (I mean there a tons of bags of fertilizer to choose from at the hardware store, right?), a financial investment, and a significant amount of time. You want a lawn that looks great, but squeezing in time to mow, fertilize, aerate, and overseed after work or on the weekends when you would much rather be doing something fun doesn’t sound ideal.
The experts on the Green Team can take the frustration out of caring for your grass. With access to professional-grade materials and equipment, your lawn is nurtured with the best products out there and set up for success in the coming season. Our team offers fertilization, aeration, and overseeding as part of our lawn care plans. In addition, we offer robotic mower sales, installation, and maintenance so that you can check ‘mow the lawn’ off your list for the entire season.
Are you ready to start enjoying some cider and donuts at the local farm instead of spending hours caring for your lawn this fall? Join the Green Team’s lawn care roster! Fill our out contact form or give us a call today!

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