How to Help Your Lawn Beat the Heat
As summer temperatures rise, you might wonder how to keep your lawn looking green and lush. When friends and family take off their shoes to walk through your grass at the next BBQ or your kids sprint to slide down your slip-and-slide, no one wants to step on pokey, dry grass!
You may have tried increasing the amount of times you water your grass and still not had much luck. Let’s explore 4 things you should do to help your lawn thrive in the summer heat.
Water Regularly
If you haven’t tried increasing the amount of time you water your grass, this is an obvious first step. Remember though, watering in the evening hours is not advised because moist grass sitting in the nighttime hours can lead to disease in your lawn. Watering during the middle of the day, especially during our warmest months, is not advised either as most of the water evaporates before it can soak into the ground. Programming your sprinkler system to water in the early hours of the morning is best. We recommend simply increasing your watering time by 5-10 minutes for each zone to start during times of drought or extreme heat.
Don’t have an automatic sprinkler system? It is nearly impossible to keep your grass healthy and green without regular watering. While you can work to be diligently moving a singular sprinkler head around your lawn, this can be tedious and result in your grass getting either too much or too little water. Automatic irrigation systems can certainly be expensive, but they end up helping to save time, the environment, and money.
Apply Hydretain
Hydretain is a lawn and plant treatment that helps use moisture (water) that would otherwise be lost to evaporation. It attracts moisture vapor in the soil and condenses that vapor back into plant-usable water droplets. This treatment helps your grass manage its’ soil moisture, which can help reduce drought stress during the hot summer months.
Hydretain can work wonders when it comes to keeping your grass green in the hotter months of the season. Check out this blog to learn more about the benefits of this product.
Mow at the Right Time
Many times we forget that mowing your grass actually stresses the plant. It is cutting and removing part of the leaves, which greatly impacts how the grass grows. When your lawn is already stressed due to drought or heat, cutting it, especially during the hottest hours of the day or trimming it too short can make the problem worse.
If your grass looks completely brown and burned due to the hot temperatures, avoid mowing until it has received enough water to help revive it. For semi-healthy lawns, try to mow in the earlier morning hours or later evening hours when possible to cut down on the amount of stress your grass is under. Be sure to let your grass grow a little bit longer during times of drought or extreme heat as well.

Consider a Robotic Mower
Robotic mowers offer tons of benefits to homeowners, however, they truly can help your grass health, especially in times of higher temperatures. Since the Husqvarna Automowers cut your grass every day, it cuts just a tiny bit off the top of the blade, causing less stress on your grass. Robotic mowers also mulch these tiny grass clippings back into your grass and soil, helping the overall health of your grass.

Caring for Your Lawn in Grand Traverse and Leelanau County
Ensuring your grass is in optimal health can be a lot harder than it seems. Sometimes burned, brown looking grass is actually not a result of too much heat. It could be an error made when cutting lawn or fertilizing as well. If the above tips don’t make much of a difference in the health of your lawn, it may be time to contact a professional.
At Green Team, we offer several lawn care services like fertilization and aeration. If you are looking for a more full-service landscape maintenance plan, our parent company, TruNorth Landscaping, offers commercial and residential lawn mowing, lawn care, plant care, and more!
Get started today! Give us a call or fill out our contact form, talk with one of our professionals about a plan that works best for you, and then sit back and relax! The Green Team will come out swinging to tackle your lawn and pest needs!

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